South Lincolnshire Academies Trust - Our Public API

Our Public API

It may take up to 10 minutes for issues to show on this page, however if you are aware of any faults not shown please contact your normal school's IT Support email address.
Regular Maintenance Window Friday 7pm to Sunday 9pm for General system updates and improvements. Services may be disrupted for short periods during this time. For Services marked as 'External' - Uptime and availability is out of the Trust's control, with being hosted by external providers.


Get the overall status for your status page. Doesn’t include components and historical notices.

"page": {
"name": "South Lincolnshire Academies Trust",
"url": "",
"status": "HASISSUES"
"activeIncidents": [
"name": "We're facing an issue with our API",
"started": "Sat Jun 11 2022 18:55:50 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
"status": "INVESTIGATING",
"impact": "MAJOROUTAGE",
"url": ""
"activeMaintenances": [
"name": "Database maintenance",
"start": "Sat Jun 11 2022 18:55:54 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)",
"status": "NOTSTARTEDYET",
"duration": "60",
"url": ""

Get your status page components, and active issues affecting them.

"id": "ckf01fvnxywz60a35wdbn5gz5",
"name": "App",
"status": "OPERATIONAL",
"description": "",
"isParent": false,
"children": []